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Roses have Thorns 1 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Roses-Have-Thorns-1-19123887 |
Ibu itu berkeluh-kesah perihal
ayahnya yang meninggal beberapa hari yang lalu. Ibu dan Nur tidak dapat hadir di pemakaman. Mereka tidak bisa berjumpa untuk mengucap selamat jalan kepada kakek Nur, karena ibunya harus menjaga
membantu Nur di rumah sakit. Sebab tangan Nur kanan dan kiri mengalami luka bakar
yang cukup serius, sampai ia sulit makan-minum, mandi, atau berganti pakaian.
Sembari menangis, Nur pun jadi ikut menangis. Beberapa kali dia
mengungkapkan keinginannya untuk pulang. Betapa kerapuhan ibunya sungguh
berdampak hebat mengguncang Nur, mempengaruhi emosinya. Dari percakapan dengan Nur, dia sungguh mengatakan
ingin segera pulang. Nur juga bercerita tentang temannya yang mengalami luka
bakar, dirawat di rumah sakit yang sama, tapi sudah terlebih dahulu boleh
Sementara itu, ibunya terus bicara pada kami, dengan tersendat-sendat, suara
yang parau, diselingi dengan tangis-tangis kecil. Nur anak satu-satunya yang menghasilkan
uang. Di keluarga mereka sekarang tidak ada lagi yang mencari nafkah. Dua anaknya yang lain tidak bekerja dan satu di antaranya stres. Ketika ibunya bicara demikian, wajah Nur sudah begitu terlihat muram.
Bekerja sejak kecil di usia 18 tahun, Nur telah menjadi tulang punggung
keluarganya. Siapa sangka
nasibnya kemudian menjadi seperti itu. Dalam keadaan sekarang pun ibunya masih
terus-menerus mengkhawatirkan kehidupan mereka mendatang karena Nur sakit.
Artinya Nur tidak lagi dapat bekerja untuk mencari nafkah demi keluarganya.
Kekhawatiran Ibu Nur terasa seperti mawar berduri dan Nur memegang duri
itu. Dalam kondisi keluarga dengan kemiskinan seperti demikian, begitu banyak
muncul pertanyaan di benak, ”Mengapakah ibunya sampai hati membiarkan Nur
bekerja sejak kecil?”, ”Bukankah lebih baik ibunya menahan tangis, menguatkan
Nur, agar Nur lebih bersemangat dan bertekad untuk sembuh?”
Memandang jauh pada masa depan memang perlu dilakukan sebagai sebuah
pijakan melangkah di kemudian hari. Namun, hidup di masa sekarang juga tak kalah penting. Ikatan emosi antara
ibu dan anak, Nur seperti demikian tampak ketika kami berkunjung di ruang jiwa
yang menampung eks-TKI yang mengalami depresi.
Di sana, pasien-pasien sudah lebih sedikit karena sudah banyak yang pulang.
Kami selalu ikut merasa gembira tiap mengetahui hal itu. Suster Shanti dan
Suster Murph hari itu membawakan pasien-pasien tersebut beberapa majalah.
Sekadar untuk mengisi waktu luang, agar mereka membaca dan melihat warna-warni.
Karena seringkali mereka
mengeluh bosan, tidak ada kegiatan di sana, selain tidur, makan, mencuci, atau
nonton televisi. Mereka menyambut pemberian kami dengan sukacita.
Saat kami sedang mengobrol, seorang pasien umum bernama Sri, yang mengalami
gangguan jiwa dibawa oleh petugas dari ruang isolasi untuk mandi, kemudian membereskan
pakaiannya. Selesai membersihkan diri, dia terlihat dengan rambut masih basah,
pakaian baru, dan kantong plastik besar hitam, yang menampung barang-barangnya.
Kemudian, dia duduk dan menyapa kami. Masih dengan celoteh yang sulit kami
mengerti. Masih pula dengan bahasa yang setengah bahasa Indonesia, setengah
bahasa Inggris. Serta masih menyanyi lagu-lagu lama di sela-selanya.
Tiba-tiba seorang ibu datang dari balik pintu masuk yang digembok. Mungkin
ia adalah ibu Sri yang hendak menjemput pasien umum itu. Padahal, siapa pun
yang melihatnya, pasti tahu kalau Sri belum benar-benar sembuh. Maka,
pertanyaannya, mengapa dia harus dijemput pulang?
Pertanyaan tersebut kami lontarkan kepada penjaga. Ternyata tepat dugaan
kami, penyebabnya bisa jadi karena biaya. Karena dia pasien umum maka, biaya
pengobatan ditanggung penuh keluarga. Maka, kapan pun keluarga ingin membawanya
pulang, dia akan pulang. Ya, ternyata butuh biaya besar untuk berobat kejiwaan
di sana.
Kondisi keuangan keluarga Sri, sesungguhnya tak berbeda jauh dengan yang
dialami oleh Nur. Bedanya, Nur masih dapat berobat, namun ibunya begitu
khawatir dengan kelangsungan hidupnya mendatang. Sementara Sri, berhenti
berobat demi mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga yang lain.
Anxiety mother of Nur (ex Migrant Workers)
Always every meet with us, mother of Nur will wreak stories and sadness to tears. Of course also when we visit Nur, ex migrant workers, last Friday, November 1, 2013 at a hospital in Jakarta. The situation is alarming because she had burns due to stove burst in Quait.
Mother was complaining about his father who died a few days ago. He can’t completely meet to say farewell to her father having to keep helping Nur in the hospital. Because the right and left hand Nur suffered serious burn, until it difficult to eat and drink, take a bath, and change clothes.
While crying, crying Nur became involved. Several times he expressed his desire to go home. How great an impact fragility mother really rocked Nur, affect emotions. From conversations with Nur, he really said he wanted to go home. Nur also told us about her friend who suffered burn, was admitted to the same hospital, but was allowed to go home first .
Meanwhile she continues to speak to us, with a trembling voice, hoarse voice, interspersed with small tears-tears. Nur children only one making money. Now, there is nothing else for a living. Two children at home idle. Which the stress. Have grand children too. Every day selling so tired. When looking towards Nur, his face was so looks grim.
Working as a child at the age of 18 years, Nur has been the backbone of her family. Who would have guessed his fate became that way. In the present circumstances was she still constantly worried about their future lives as Nur sick. Nur means no longer able to work to earn a living for his family.
Mother worries Nur feels like holding a rose thorn and the thistle Nur. In families with conditions such as poverty, so many questions arise in the mind, "Why did she have the heart to let Nur worked since childhood?"; "Would not it be a good mother to cry, strengthen Nur, Nur to be more excited and determined to get well?"
Look far in the future it needs to be done as a foothold to step in later. However, in the present life is equally important. Emotional bond between mother and child, Nur looks like so when we visited in the mental space that housed ex migrant workers who are depressed .
There, patients are much less because so many have come home. We always come to feel happy by knowing it. Sister Shanti and sister Murph brought these patients several magazines. Just to fill in spare time, so that they read and see colors. Because they often complain of boredom, there was no activity, besides sleeping, eating, washing, or watching television. They welcomed us with joy giving.
As we were chatting, a general named Sri patients, who experience mental illness brought on by officers from the isolation room for a shower, then cleared his clothes. Finished cleaning herself, she is seen with wet hair, new clothes, and a large black plastic bag, which holds the goods. Then, she sat down and greeted us. Still difficult to babble we understand. Similarly, the language is still half Indonesian, half English. As well as still sing the old songs in between them.
Suddenly, a lady came out from behind the padlocked entrance. Maybe she is the mother of Sri who was about to meet the general patient. In fact, anyone who saw it, surely know that Sri has not completely healed. So, the question is, why he should be picked up to go home?
The question we catapult to the guards. Our conjecture turns out right, the cause could be due to the cost. Because she's the general patient, full family paid medical expenses. Thus, whenever the family wants to take her home, she would go home. Yes, it took a big charge for psychiatric treatment there .
Sri family's financial situation, there really was not much different from that experienced by Nur. The difference, Nur still be treated, but his mother is so concerned with the future survival. While Sri, sufficient to stop treatment for other family needs.
Anxiety mother of Nur (ex Migrant Workers)
Always every meet with us, mother of Nur will wreak stories and sadness to tears. Of course also when we visit Nur, ex migrant workers, last Friday, November 1, 2013 at a hospital in Jakarta. The situation is alarming because she had burns due to stove burst in Quait.
Mother was complaining about his father who died a few days ago. He can’t completely meet to say farewell to her father having to keep helping Nur in the hospital. Because the right and left hand Nur suffered serious burn, until it difficult to eat and drink, take a bath, and change clothes.
While crying, crying Nur became involved. Several times he expressed his desire to go home. How great an impact fragility mother really rocked Nur, affect emotions. From conversations with Nur, he really said he wanted to go home. Nur also told us about her friend who suffered burn, was admitted to the same hospital, but was allowed to go home first .
Meanwhile she continues to speak to us, with a trembling voice, hoarse voice, interspersed with small tears-tears. Nur children only one making money. Now, there is nothing else for a living. Two children at home idle. Which the stress. Have grand children too. Every day selling so tired. When looking towards Nur, his face was so looks grim.
Working as a child at the age of 18 years, Nur has been the backbone of her family. Who would have guessed his fate became that way. In the present circumstances was she still constantly worried about their future lives as Nur sick. Nur means no longer able to work to earn a living for his family.
Mother worries Nur feels like holding a rose thorn and the thistle Nur. In families with conditions such as poverty, so many questions arise in the mind, "Why did she have the heart to let Nur worked since childhood?"; "Would not it be a good mother to cry, strengthen Nur, Nur to be more excited and determined to get well?"
Look far in the future it needs to be done as a foothold to step in later. However, in the present life is equally important. Emotional bond between mother and child, Nur looks like so when we visited in the mental space that housed ex migrant workers who are depressed .
There, patients are much less because so many have come home. We always come to feel happy by knowing it. Sister Shanti and sister Murph brought these patients several magazines. Just to fill in spare time, so that they read and see colors. Because they often complain of boredom, there was no activity, besides sleeping, eating, washing, or watching television. They welcomed us with joy giving.
As we were chatting, a general named Sri patients, who experience mental illness brought on by officers from the isolation room for a shower, then cleared his clothes. Finished cleaning herself, she is seen with wet hair, new clothes, and a large black plastic bag, which holds the goods. Then, she sat down and greeted us. Still difficult to babble we understand. Similarly, the language is still half Indonesian, half English. As well as still sing the old songs in between them.
Suddenly, a lady came out from behind the padlocked entrance. Maybe she is the mother of Sri who was about to meet the general patient. In fact, anyone who saw it, surely know that Sri has not completely healed. So, the question is, why he should be picked up to go home?
The question we catapult to the guards. Our conjecture turns out right, the cause could be due to the cost. Because she's the general patient, full family paid medical expenses. Thus, whenever the family wants to take her home, she would go home. Yes, it took a big charge for psychiatric treatment there .
Sri family's financial situation, there really was not much different from that experienced by Nur. The difference, Nur still be treated, but his mother is so concerned with the future survival. While Sri, sufficient to stop treatment for other family needs.