Saturday, December 8, 2012

Being Addicted To "Dying" Rather Than Rising Above "Death"

Meeting and talking with people is like opening a box of chocolates. Except that you don't know how fresh that box is, no matter what the age of the people are. But sometimes, just the experience of having a box of chocolates is more important than what happens afterwards. Such is the experience of having hopes and dreams which is peddled to the women and young girls in social situations which seem bleakly unchangeable. In rural areas of Indonesia, where there is almost nary an experience of hope, of making a change, then hope doesn't exist. People who live in the rural areas, who farm for a living, are mostly there not by choice. They would also have the least means and access to change. Sadly, in a "grown-up" world, instead of being nurtured to grow, some things die.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Memories For A Great Hero

Arya Stark-GOT quotes by *paloStark
Memories are sometimes what we have left at the end of the day. It's one part of our self which we cannot control - memories come and go as they please, like a parade of foreigners trespassing in our daily life. For many migrant workers, these can be bittersweet, even painful visitors. On the other hand, a journalist and daughter of two Holocaust survivors Lily Brett answered the question of what it is to be human, as "to have compassion" for not just the people around you, but other people as well. Sometimes it might mean even having compassion for one's self, especially one's estranged memories.